Lambeth PLT - Mental Health
About the event
Lambeth PLT - Mental Health
1:30 - 1:40pm Neighbourhood Work - George Varghese
1:40 - 2:00pm CESEL Guidelines for Anxiety - Dr. Liz Henderson
2:00 - 2:25pm Anti-depressant Prescribing :Switching and De-prescribing - Professor David Taylor
2.25 - 2.40pm Suicide prevention in autistic people -Susan Willgoss
2.40 - 3.10pm Personality disorders - Dr Catherine Murphy
3.10 - 3.20pm BREAK
3.20 - 3.40pm Alcohol brief intervention - Dr Mike Kelleher
3:40 - 4:00pm Substance misuse - Dr Luke Mitcheson
4:00 - 4.20pm ADHD - Dr Khurram Sadiq
4.20 - 4.50pm Employment support for people with mental health problems - Daniel Dempsey
4.50 - 5.00pm Summing up and Close with Dr Nandi Mukhopadhay