
This session will give an overview of understanding frailty and the importance of early identification, impact of hospital admission, how to screen and what to do if someone has frailty.

About the event

Frailty is a distinctive health state related to the ageing process in which multiple body systems gradually lose their in-built reserves. Around 10% of people aged over 65 years have frailty, rising between a quarter and a half of those are aged over 85. This session will give an overview of understanding frailty and the importance of early identification, impact of hospital admission, how to screen and what to do if someone has frailty.

Aim of this session:

To support you to deliver patient-centered care for people living with frailty using a structured approach in primary care.

By the end of the session you will be able to:

  • Define frailty and understand how to identify our high risk patients

  • Understand how frailty can be a predictor of poor outcomes, cognitive and functional decline

  • Be aware of modifiable risk factors that could improve outcomes for patients

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