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If you have more than one role, please fill in the details for your primary role.Once you have registered, contact us to add additional roles.
Our commissioners ask us to collect this data to monitor which demographics access training and development opportunities. We do not use this data for any purpose other than reporting to our commissioners.
These questions are optional and will not affect access to any of our services. You can choose to not answer now and update your details later.
We use the same ethnicity categories as the Census.
Some of our courses require sign-off by your manager. To facilitate this, we ask that you ensure your manager's details are up to date.
Please indicate whether you would like to receive our newsletter and other training updates relevant to your role. You can unsubscribe at any time.
You may still receive confirmation emails when you use our services (e.g. when you sign up for a course), as well as emails to help administer your account (e.g. to verify your email and reset your password).
You may still receive confirmation emails when you use our services Our newsletter and update emails are subject to our privacy policy
Please read through and accept our terms and conditions before completing the sign-up.
You must accept our privacy policy in order to access our services